You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep others warm

I’m flawed just like anyone else (where on EARTH have I hidden my house keys again?!), but I can confidently say I have a good memory (*cough* until it comes to the exact location of my keys). If you ask me to do something, I’ll remember exactly what was requested…which is great for keeping clients happy, but not so much when it comes to frustrations about the dreaded SCOPE CREEP.

We’d all like to live in a world where nobody expects a tonne more work for the same price – but unfortunately, it happens all the time. And it will happen to you if you don’t manage it carefully. In fact, it probably already has if you dig deep and think back on how your project briefs have subtly morphed over time.

It’s a tricky part of any type of job. However, it’s one thing to take on more responsibilities in a paid 9 to 5 role with a boss to keep happy, and another when you’re a freelancer whose rates reflect the time and complexity of the work. While we all dream of a magical world where clients stick to the original plan and everyone gets paid what’s they’re worth, this is reality. They often come with some surprise guests who want to enter the party for free. What started as a simple, clear plan can quickly spiral into a saga of extra tasks, adjustments and general headaches.

Let’s look at some easy ways to tackle this issue and stop scope creep affecting your bottom line.

What is scope creep?

Scope creep is something that happens to ALL OF US.

It reminds me of my teenage years. Picture this: your mum asks you to put the dishes away if you want a lift later, and then before you know it, you hear “while you’re there, can you take the bins out?” THAT WASN’T PART OF THE DEAL MUM!

Okay, so it’s not quite the same, but you get the gist. You provide clients with a service for a fixed price, and over time (sometimes years!), what’s required of you becomes more involved with extras added to your plate without it being reflected in payment. Yep, we’ve all been there.

Whether it’s a ‘small favour’ or something more labour-intensive, it’s still outside the original agreement, so it’s vital you assess how to handle it each time. It’s time to put on your strategic negotiation hat (or a superhero cape if you prefer).

It’s not just about profits, but about the respect you deserve (and others should have) for your time. Remember, a positive mental well-being is often affected by forever changing expectations with no pay-off. Most people don’t mean to overload you, especially if the changes happen very gradually over time alongside their own changing needs (or they just forgot to mention something in the original brief). However, that doesn’t mean you can’t address it and put boundaries in place. Expectations shouldn’t keep shifting with no reward.

I’ve let scope creep slide a lot over the years, but it’s something I need to remain savvy about while continuing to treat all clients respectfully in every interaction.

How to stop scope creep

So, how do you put a cork in that pesky scope creep before it turns your project into a never-ending circus? Here are some practical strategies.

Address scope creep (even if you’re feeling generous)

I often like to bring a client’s attention to the fact I’m doing more for less, even if I’m actually okay with it. So, even if it’s small additions I don’t mind doing for free, I’ll say something like:

“I know this wasn’t in the original brief, so it’s going to take X amount of time more to do that you – however, I’m happy to do that for no extra charge this time.”

It’s just a friendly heads up that while I’m in a generous mood, my time isn’t infinite. However, if it’s a one-off change that won’t eat up any time, I may just do it to keep the client happy. You’ve got to assess each request case-by-case and keep an eye on how it affects the overall picture.

Set personal speed limits

Think of each project like a road trip. What might seem like a quick pit stop for a client could turn into an unexpected detour that adds an extra hour to your journey.

It’s a good idea to have clear limits and boundaries for yourself so you know the type of extra requests you’re willing to do. Remember, it’s not obvious to clients that something is going to take you more time – like a change in format that significantly affects your processes, or that ‘quick’ extra task that actually takes you 45 minutes. Often, their ideas just evolve as projects unfolds, so they’re thinking about how to create the best outcomes.

And yes, it’s perfectly acceptable to slam on the brakes and say ‘No thanks!’ when necessary. Unreasonable clients aren’t people you want to keep around anyway – trust me. I once had a client send over a load of documents that I’d had nothing to do with, asking me to proofread them FOR FREE (I’m still not sure why). When I declined, he asked me to see if I had any friends or family who wouldn’t mind doing it for him! U OK, HUN?

Track changes to project briefs

I’m good at recognising scope creep when it’s obvious, but small changes can add up over time. If you accept the odd one here and there, you could end up in a situation where you’re doing 10 extra tasks for a piece of content, but you’re still charging the same price you did 5 years ago.

So, I always keep a record of your original agreement and all requested add-ons. If I feel too many changes are happening over time, I can let the client know. This is much easier to address if you create pre-project contracts detailing the original work agreed. It makes the process more transparent and sets clear expectations for all involved.

Knowing your facts makes it feel easier and non-confrontational when you address it. You can say something as simple as:

“I know when I started, ‘xyz’ was agreed, but as ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ have been added since at no extra charge, it now takes an hour longer to complete. So, if you’d like ‘d’ added too, the new rate will have to be X to reflect the extra requirements.”

I’ve found this works wonders on the phone (when they can hear a friendly tone rather than sensing an irate email), and clients are usually fine to pay a little more to get what they want. Or, just add smile emoji to your messages to keep things relaxed (that pesky grinning assassin). If you had an original contract, make sure any changes are outlined in an updated version and send this to your client too.

Boundaries set!

Make sure you benefit too

Changes to original briefs don’t always have to mean awkward conversations about rate increases. If a client asks me to do something that takes me extra time, I may agree to do it for a longer turnaround time, or agree an extension on a separate project. This throws the choice back at them.

You should also consider how scope creep can be used to help save you time and improve your processes. A web developer I work with originally used to send me over fully outlined briefs for new website copy they wanted written. But as they got to know me, they were happy for me to directly interview the client needing the work instead. While these conservations do take up time (including the prep), it saves me tonnes of effort when writing the content – meaning I work faster, creativity flows easier, and I have all the information I need to produce better quality work. PLOT TWIST: the scope creep becomes a time saver! Win-win!

In conclusion? No matter how experienced you are, scope creep is that uninvited guest at the party. Stay alert, set boundaries and remember: your time (and sanity!) are worth every extra penny. Happy freelancing!

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