All you can control in life is how you respond to life

Morgan Freeman as Jerome Johnson in Brian Banks

How I Created a Freelance Lifestyle I Love

My name’s CopyKat – the voice behind The Copy Shed. 

As a freelance copywriter, I know just how many challenges there are, from blurred lines between work and home to the pressure of being a jack of all trades for your business. Add accountant, manager, editor and admin to the multiple feathers in my cap.

But when you get the lifestyle right, it’s completely worth it!

Over time, I’ve honed the way I work and live to create a life I love. For now, I have the right balance between structure and flexibility, taking time off when it suits me while keeping my clients happy. However, this is an ongoing process – you have to continually ensure your own practices, systems and structure work for you, adapting along the way. I’m far from perfect – I still make mistakes, but the trick is to recognise what you can do better…and then do something about it!

Want to achieve this too?

Let me tell you a little bit about me….but a whole lot more about how I can help you.

My Story

Back in 2015, I dove into the world of freelance copywriting while holding down a full time job I hated. Cue 18 months later, when I quit to become a full time copywriter, but this was only the beginning.

I fast discovered that freelancing isn’t just about securing clients, becoming your own boss and making money, but it’s a way of life that has many perks….and also a lot of hurdles to overcome.

If you want to create a lifestyle you love, you have to adapt, understanding how to take on the daily demands thrown at you with ease. I’m talking about the client who phones every 5 seconds, that 10 minute job that’s taken all day, the invoice you’ve chased for several times and taking unexpected time off because of the latest illness you’re little darling has picked up from nursery…all these factors add weight to a freelancer’s shoulders. 

The good news? By putting simple processes in place and forming better habits, you can pulverise an avalanche of stressors into dust. These actions will help you become the type of business you would want to work with yourself, and you can even encourage healthy habits like better organisation and planning from clients too.

I made a vow to take control and structure my time, work and home demands in the way that works for me – and my clients benefit too!

I want to help you do the same, so that you can copy…kat…I’ll be here all night.

What Makes The Copy Shed Different?

Unlike many other hubs in the copywriting arena, this isn’t a ‘how to make money online’ or ‘learning the art of copywriting’ type of site. The industry is full of blogs, coaches and other resources to help you become a successful freelance copywriter…but ENJOYING it? That’s rarely focused on. 

This is something The Copy Shed aims to change – helping copywriters like you to master the freelance lifestyle, otherwise you might as well be chained to a corporate office desk once more.

In fact, the topics at the heart of this site are sometimes referred to by others as the ‘business side’ of freelancing, but I see this is a WAY OF LIFE that affects everything from your sense of work life balance to your mental health.

Grab a Coffee & Take a Break in The Shed

One of my favourite places to go when I need a breather, feel overwhelmed or want to think about how to tackle a situation is my potting shed. There’s a tranquillity that brings wisdom when spending time in nature, even if it’s your own garden. My shed is a peaceful place where I can take time out, a spot where the world is okay and I have a quiet moment to regroup. 

Whether it’s conquering time management, stopping phone anxiety in its tracks or tackling freelancer isolation, this is a safe space for you to explore. I cover many of the issues you may be experiencing at the moment, and also ones which you could face in the future.

Check out my freelancing blog packed full of useful articles and advice (plus some embarrassing confessions – I made the mistakes so you don’t have to!), as well as tonnes of copywriting tools and resources to make your life easier.